Portrait of the author as a young badger
Flix has been writing and drawing comics since he could first dribble on a piece of paper and stick a crayon in his eye. Creating such forgettable characters as Master Spy, Super Gramps, Dick Button, and of course, Battle Buster & the Battle Brigade — all before he’d even reached his teens!
Years later people started paying him to dribble on paper and stick crayons in his eyes. It was around this time he coined the phrase ‘self-unemployed’ to adequately describe his adventures in and out of the work place; dividing his time between drawing and writing with the worldchanging occupations of data-entry and customer services.
It was during this bountiful period of creativity that the germ of ‘Mockingbird’ first came to him and that eventually grew to become a full scale epidemic in comic book form (which you now have the opportunity of holding within your sterilised hands).
Today, he lives in a small seaside town on the Queen’s side of The Channel, with his wife, Maryann, and their three small children, Nova, Bramwell and Pearl Tiger. He still gets the odd chance to dribble on paper, but now it’s the kids who stick the crayons in his eyes.